Case Management Focus: Wellness and Well-being — Taking Your Own Pulse

13 May, 2024 Anne Llewellyn


Sarasota, FL ( -- When you fly, you have heard the flight attendants during the pre-departure announcement say: “If we lose cabin pressure, a mask will fall from above. Put your mask on first, then assist your child or companion who might need help. They do this because you can only help yourself if you are well.

Self-care and wellness are essential competencies for all of us, but especially for healthcare workers and, more specifically, nurses. As Nurse Case Managers, we have a huge responsibility and a great deal of pressure to do our jobs well. Today, so many people depend on us for their survival. With a fragmented and complex system taking away so many resources, we find ourselves not being able to do what our jobs call for.  

Nurses are trained to care for others, yet we often neglect our well-being. As case managers, we are tasked with educating and empowering our patients to self-advocate and learn how to care for themselves, even in the face of catastrophic illness or injury. Many of us work diligently in our roles, but we often fail to extend the same level of care to ourselves.

Over the long term, stress builds, we become less confident, and we burn out, causing us to lose the things we love: our families, our friends, and sometimes ourselves.

In this post, I share a tool I came across that can help you track your wellness and see where you are doing well, and you can make changes. The tool was developed by Kasey Pacheco, a Holistic Nurse passionate about harmonizing products and services to reduce burnout within the nursing community. She permitted me to share her Burnout Prevention Workbook for Leaders. Here is the link to download the workbook. Here is the link to access the workbook:

I sincerely hope that you will take the time to download and review the workbook. It's a small step, but it's a step towards a healthier, more balanced life. Do it for yourself because you are worth it!  

To learn more about Kasey, visit her website at

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    About The Author

    • Anne Llewellyn

      Anne Llewellyn is a registered nurse with over forty years of experience in critical care, risk management, case management, patient advocacy, healthcare publications and training and development. Anne has been a leader in the area of Patient Advocacy since 2010. She was a Founding member of the Patient Advocate Certification Board and is currently serving on the National Association of Health Care Advocacy. Anne writes a weekly Blog, Nurse Advocate to share stories and events that will educate and empower people be better prepared when they enter the healthcare system.

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