Workers Comp Tech Advancement – New Way to Heal Injuries


One of the themes that I write about when attending conferences comes from visiting the vendor area.  The search for any type of workers comp tech advancement left me without articles to write in some of the years.   The best technology found in past WC conferences can be found here.

This was my first WCI Conference.  The date was moved from August to December due to the Delta variant during the pandemic.

(c) Authors Own Work

I found two companies that provided, in my opinion, the best workers comp tech advancement that I had seen in a few years.  If you want to see the puppy and kitten cuddle booth, I took two pictures of that booth.  As expected, it was the most popular booth at the conference.  The pile of puppies was the best.  The kitties were playing the whole time I was at the booth.  Conservcare’s info can be found here.


pic kitties playing workers comp tech advancement conference(c) Authors Own Work

Workers Comp Tech Advancement – Using Ultrasound to Heal

Two vendor booths at the conference were marketing what looked liked TENS units to use ultrasound to heal.  Both booths did not like me asking if they were TENS units.  I was told they were not for pain and were not TENS units.

The tech advancement involved healing with wearable ultrasound units.   As always with any of the articles that I write, no company has ever given me or J&L Risk Management any funds to appear here.  The companies provided a new technology that is needed in the WC community.

The first company’s booth with the ultrasound healing devices that I visited was called SAM.   The second one was called Nanovibronix.

If you click on the titles, you can see this new area of workers comp technology advancement.

SAM – 

I think this technology will advance quickly over the next few years.  From what the booth rep told me, the idea is to heal.  Healing causes a reduction in pain in the long term.  The key is long-term pain control due to immediate healing.  


From the website:

NanoVibronix Inc. is a medical device company that is focused on creating medical devices utilizing its proprietary low-intensity acoustic technology.

The company’s patented technology allows for the creation of miniature transducers that transmit low-frequency, low-intensity ultrasound through flexible materials surfaces. This unique development may be utilized for a variety of medical applications requiring low-cost therapeutic ultrasound qualities.

The NanoVibronix website is very informative.  Taking a look at the website would be time well-spent. 

Both companies represent a great new workers comp tech advancement an industry that has changed little over the last 20+ years.   Take a few minutes to check out what they have to offer the Workers Comp industry.

This blog post is provided by James Moore, AIC, MBA, ChFC, ARM, and is republished with permission from J&L Risk Management Consultants. Visit the full website at

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