Work Comp Claims Adjuster Survey – Finally – Your Opinion Matters


Register Your Opinion Anonymously – National Work Comp Claims Adjusters Survey

The Work Comp Claims Adjusters seem to be the quiet majority (Orwell 1984 reference) of most insurance companies and Third Party Administrators. 

picture of work comp claims adjusters mars surveyor

Mars Surveyor – NASA

Any person that works in the worker’s comp claims arena knows that sometimes they are completely left out of any decisions and rarely (like never) asked their opinions on anything. Many articles on studies appear in this blog with the theme – Hey, did they ask a claims person before publishing this study?

Your chance to register your opinion comes around rarely. Rising Medical (Chicago Bill Review-Rehab Nurses-other services) provided any adjuster with a chance to have their say in the process. Rising Medical will then compare the answers by the claims staff to the Executives.  

Working my way up through the Work Comp adjuster ranks to a VP level, I can attest that the Claims Executives can easily become out of touch with the front-line workers, as in most companies.  

The only drawback that I see in this process is that claims workers did not have a hand in designing the study. I could be wrong on that point, as I am only referencing the press release.

Rising Medical kind of “gets” the worker’s comp claims staff’s challenges. Check out this video if you are having a bad claims day.

From Rising Medical:

The Workers’ Compensation Benchmarking Study’s annual survey is underway. Now in its seventh year, the 2019 study will – for the first time ever – survey frontline claims professionals (instead of claims executives) to ascertain alignment between industry leadership and staff who directly handle workers’ compensation claims. As the industry’s largest talent constituency, with the greatest influence on financial and injured worker outcomes, visibility into how their views mirror or differ from claims executives will highlight opportunities to advance the entire industry.

The 2019 confidential survey will continue throughout May. All frontline participants and study stakeholders will receive a copy of the 2019 Study Report which can be used to validate operational alignment, verify existing strategies, advocate for resources in support-challenged areas, and identify opportunities to impact claim outcomes. Claims executives are encouraged to share the survey link with their frontline teams as an investment in this industrywide effort.

The Workers’ Compensation Benchmarking Study is a national research program examining the complex forces impacting claims management in workers’ compensation today. The study’s mission is to advance claims management in the industry by providing both quantitative and qualitative data. Through survey research with claims leaders and practitioners nationwide, the program generates actionable intelligence for claims organizations to evaluate priorities, challenges, and strategies amongst their peers.

You will receive a copy of the study for your time. I call this one a deal.  Do not procrastinate. The survey may close out soon. Work Comp claims adjusters – have your say. 

This blog post is provided by James Moore, AIC, MBA, ChFC, ARM, and is republished with permission from J&L Risk Management Consultants. Visit the full website at


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