The ACA is ruled un-Constitutional, which means….what?


Two Republican-appointed judges on a Federal appeals court struck down a key provision of the ACA.  So what?

Well, if you or a family member are a bit heavy, have high blood pressure, are pre-diabetic, had a bout of cancer, may need long-term care, make less than $103,000, are pregnant, pay attention.

Another judge will decide if the entire ACA or parts of the very broad law are struck down. Among the provisions at risk are: 

  • guaranteed coverage for pre-existing medical conditions
  • guaranteed healthcare for your kids up to age 26
  • long-term care benefits for you and your parents.
  • no lifetime caps on medical benefits
  • reduced premiums for families that make less than $103,000
  • financial support for small business’ healthcare premiums
  • coverage for prescription drugs and behavioral health
  • limits on what insurers can charge older folks
  • Medicaid expansion in two-thirds of the states

SOME of the pre-existing health conditions that would not be covered if the ACA goes away… 

This would have different effects in different areas… click here to get an interactive map. 

What’s puzzling is the Republicans who want to blow up those protections have no plan to deal with the consequences. The end of all or some of the ACA will have huge effects on families, and there’s NO plan to help families when this happens.

What does this mean for you?

Check the list up top.

More on potential implications here.

A detailed discussion of the lawsuit and where things stand is here.

By Joe Paduda

Courtesy of Managed Care Matters


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