State of the States


New York - Last Thursday Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) signed S2721 into law. S2721, also known as the Farm Workers Bill, establishes the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act to protect farm worker rights and ensure equitable housing and working conditions. It will be in effect on January 1, 2020. This bill ensures farmers will have equal protection under the law and be protected if something happens on the job. Originally, if a farmer was hurt on the job, they struggled to file for workers’ comp, but this bill alone allows farmers to not only file a claim but guarantee results and coverage.

Missouri - Although the legislative session does not start until January 2020, a PDMP bill is already sparking conversation. As of today, Missouri continues to hold the title of the only state in the U.S without a statewide PDMP. Although PDMP bills have failed numerous times, Representative Holly Rehder (R) claimed she will introduce a new version of the bill in January.

Florida - The Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation released an opioid summary report claiming payments for painkillers dropped more than 11% in 2017 compared to previous years. The DWC data stated a cumulative decrease of 19.9% in total payments for opioids. The study also discovered that the opioid line items fell another 9.2% in 2016 and again in 2017 by 11.8%.

Ohio - Governor Mike DeWine (R) signed the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) budget into law. The law mandates $15 million to assist employers in hiring, managing, and retaining workers in recovery. An additional $40 million was added to the budget that focuses on workplace safety under BWC’s safety grant program.

Industry News - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first generics of Lyrica earlier this week. With the move, the FDA is keeping their promise and offering access to high-quality drugs at cost efficient prices. Lyrica is just one of the many drugs the FDA has granted approval. In the coming years, the FDA is expected to approve five more generic versions on high quality drugs at lower costs for the public.

By Danielle Jaffee

Courtesy of Injured Workers Pharmacy Blog

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