State of the States


Delaware - Last week, Governor John Carney (D) signed HB115 into law. Starting January 1, 2021, podiatrists, dentists, doctors, nurses, and optometrists are required to use electronic prescribing for all prescriptions. Delaware is now amongst the 26 other states that utilize e-prescribing to curb the opioid crisis.

Louisiana - Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D) signed SB107 and HB285, both effective August 1, 2019. SB107 states that PTSD is covered by workers’ comp for first responders and HB285 extends medical benefits for volunteer police officers and deputies that are injured on the job.

Ohio - A controversial workers’ comp budget bill in Ohio hit yet another roadblock last week.  HB 80, which was passed by the Ohio House earlier this month, would have provided coverage for PTSD in first responders and required injured workers to state their immigration status when filing a claim.  However, the Senate voted to remove both provisions before passing the bill.  The House refused to concur and called for a conference committee to sort out the disagreements. In the absence of passing HB 80, the legislature was forced to pass an emergency funding bill for the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) to cover their costs while legislators negotiate.

New Jersey - Last Monday, Governor Phil Murphy (D) signed two new bills into law to expand protections for 9/11 first responders.  A1741 significantly increases first responders’ workers’ comp coverage for cancers, communicable diseases, and biological weapons.  The bill was inspired by Thomas P. Canzanella, a deputy fire chief who died from health ailments associated with his work at ground zero.  The second bill, A4882, provides disability coverage to police and firefighters who were part of the rescue and cleanup efforts.

Florida - In 2018, Florida passed SB376 to provide PTSD coverage for first responders that witnessed acts “that shock the conscience”. This week, the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation officially finalized a list of eight injuries deemed to be “shocking” to the conscience.  These injuries include decapitation, impalement, burns, and death.

Georgia - After several months of deliberation, Georgia has decided to extend the length of time the state’s PDMP database holds prescription information. Currently, the PDMP stores prescription information for 2 years, but with the passage of  SB121 prescription information will be stored for 5 years.

National - The IAIABC released an updated report  that examines states that have implemented workers’ comp drug formularies and the impact the formulary is having on the workers’ comp system.

By Danielle Jaffee

Courtesy of Injured Workers Pharmacy Blog

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