State of the States


Maine - On Monday, Governor Janet Mills (D) signed a bill that will increase workers’ compensation benefits for injured workers in Maine. The bill faced significant challenges and amendments throughout its journey through the legislature and although the final bill is a compromise with less benefits for injured workers than the original language, it still provides a cost-ofliving increase and a 25% increase in maximum weekly benefits.

Nevada - With the end of Nevada’s legislative session, several bills related to workers’ compensation have been signed into law by Governor Steve Sisolak (D) including AB 492 and SB 215. Both bills protect first responders who are suffering with cancer and/ or mental health issues.

Connecticut - Governor Ned Lamont (D) signed SB 164 into law. The bill provides workers’ comp benefits for first responders suffering from mental and emotional impairments. The Connecticut legislature has attempted to pass similar legislation since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in 2012, with no success.

New Jersey - A 1741 has finally begun to move through the New Jersey Assembly. This bill has been fighting to be passed for 14 years. If passed, the bill would significantly increase first responder workers’ comp coverage for a majority of cancers, communicable diseases, and biological weaponscaused afflictions suffered as a result of their jobs.

Rhode Island - On Wednesday, the Rhode Island House voted 72-3 to pass HB 5537. The bill restricts opioid prescriptions for minors to a 20-dose supply at any given time and requires the prescriber to discuss with the minor and their guardian, the risks associated with opioids. Additionally, the bill requires the Department of Health to establish fill limits for adult patient opioid prescriptions.

Florida - Beginning in 2021, all Florida prescribers will be required to use electronic prescriptions for patients, regardless of drug class according to HB831 that was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday. Florida now joins the majority of states in mandating the use of e-prescribe.

By Danielle Jaffee

Courtesy of Injured Workers Pharmacy Blog

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