Safety Alert: Falls on stairs & livestock safety


As a service to our policyholders, Texas Mutual shares common workplace injuries reported to our claims department. Our goal is to help you ensure these types of incidents do not happen in your workplace. Find tips and suggested e-Learning courses below to help keep your employees safe on the job. 

If you have questions, we encourage you to call our safety services support center at 844-WORKSAFE (967-5723) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.


Employees fall on stairways 

A construction worker was walking up a stairway in a partially constructed building, turned around and fell inside the stairwell onto the concrete floor below. In another incident, an employee was walking down the stairs in the office, fell and hit her head and shoulder.

Whether it’s a construction site or a few steps to get into the building, stairs are highly hazardous areas for slips, trips and falls. The majority of incidents occur while traveling down the stairs and can often be attributed to lack of attention, low visibility and uneven or improperly built stairs.

Safety tips: 

  • Keep stairways clear of any debris, cords or materials.
  • Avoid texting, talking on a cell phone or carrying loads that require both hands while going up or down the stairs.
  • Hold the handrail and take one step at a time.
  • Railings should be positioned on open sides of stairways and platforms; alert a supervisor if railing is missing or damaged.
  • Report any damaged steps, insufficient lighting or spills to a supervisor.

e-Learning course suggestions:

Slips, Trips and Falls
Floor and Walkway Safety and Auditing
Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Inspections


Livestock injures workers 

An employee was gathering cattle on a horse, when the horse got spooked and the employee fell off onto his side. Another employee was working with yearling bulls and was struck by one. The employee fell to the ground and was then struck again.

Agriculture employees arguably face the widest variety of hazards. Working with animals is often unpredictable and brings a new set of challenges. It’s important that employees are fully trained to handle animals, heavy machinery and applicable chemicals before beginning work. 

Safety tips: 

  • To protect against infection, make sure to wear gloves and outer protection as appropriate and wash your hands after working with the animals. 
  • Identify aggressive animals and contain or restrain them when necessary. 
  • Minimize sudden movements and loud noises as they could easily spook the animals. 
  • Avoid standing in the middle of a group of cattle. 
  • Ask for help from coworkers when needed; performing a job shorthanded could result in serious injury. 

e-Learning course suggestions:

First Aid – Animal and Human Bites and Scratches
Storage and Handling of Pesticides
Portable Loading Ramps

Download a PDF version of the 2019 April Safety Alert.

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