NEW ZEALAND Workers Comp 101 Basics

New Zealand is unique in having a national “no fault" accident compensation scheme (termed ACC) effectively covering all accidents, howsoever caused, on a 24/7 basis.
However, the main feature is that no common law claims can be brought in New Zealand Courts for death or bodily injury even if caused by another person's provable negligence. (WCxKit)
But this provision is counter acted by the ACC scheme providing coverage for:
1. All work related accidents.
2. All non-work accidents including sporting and recreational injuries.
3. All motor related accidents
4.  Approved medical/hospital and rehabilitation expenses incurred as a result of the above
Implications For Tourists To New Zealand
If any tourist is injured they are entitled to coverage for the medical costs, but not any lost earnings and cannot claim damages in any New Zealand Court.
However limited action may be taken under the Health and Safety legislation if gross negligence by a third party is provable and limited reparations are awarded by the appropriate Court
In view of these imitations all tourists should arrange comprehensive travel insurance to insure their entire journey and not make any assumptions about the extent of New Zealand`s ACC regime.
Employees Who are Injured Working Full or Part Time in New
As they are legally employed, if employees suffer any death or bodily injury, they are fully entitled to the benefits of ACC as explained above
New Zealand Websites of Interest
People or entities interested in New Zealand from a tourist or business aspect may find the following Government websites of interest. (WCxKit)
Accident Compensation Corporation:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade:
Ministry of Tourism:
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise:
Author John Sloan, a New Zealand based Insurance Consultant and principal of Sloan Risk Management Services Ltd, provided this commentary. John`s services are primarily in the non life insurance areas and he is an independent, fee based consultant and is not involved as a broker or agent of any insurer.  Contact him at: or at

Workers Comp Resource Center Newsletter

Do not use this information without independent verification. All state laws vary. You should consult with your insurance broker or agent about workers comp issues.

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