Is Your Organization Ready to Embrace Safety Technology to Save Lives?


Change can be difficult, but it’s necessary for progress. The latest data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that workplace-related deaths have declined, likely due to a reduction in manhours worked because of the pandemic.

Still, fatalities should never be the cost of doing business. One death is one too many.

To continue this trend, the National Safety Council has taken a new approach. Our Work to Zero initiative is helping employers explore the value of safety technology to save lives. We understand convincing organizations to adopt technologies to improve safety outcomes is not going to happen overnight, and that’s OK. We hope to meet organizations where they are, and provide education and resources to make innovation more accessible.

A great starting point is to determine your organization’s readiness level for embracing safety technologies. We have launched a free Organizational Readiness Assessment for Safety Technology in the Workplace to help you do just that. This assessment guides you through a series of questions, and in less than five minutes suggests your level of digital readiness according to a five-phase model, which includes:

  • Observing: Passive participation in exploring what and how technology is used for safety
  • Experimenting: Evaluating proof of concept for specific safety use cases
  • Adopting: Investing in developing and acquiring technologies for safety
  • Integrating: Actively seeking out technologies to maximize value for safety
  • Transforming: Driving new innovations for safety

So you come away with a score, but now what? We have also released our Determining Readiness for Safety Innovation and Industry 4.0 report that walks you through the five phases to help you learn how to progress. It also shares information on barriers to digital change and the importance of the human mindset to successful change management.

Hundreds of technologies exist today to promote workplace safety, and employers have seen great outcomes as a result of investing in safety technologies. We need more organizations to understand this potential. Our digital readiness offerings are just the beginning. Explore the Work to Zero website, which houses reports, recorded webinars, research, tools and more.

Consider attending the Work to Zero Summit and Expo Feb. 17-18 in Louisville, Kentucky, or virtually. This annual event brings together EHS professionals, researchers, technology vendors and business leaders to network and focus on the intersection of safety and emerging technology. Be watching early next year for resources on how to implement safety technologies in your organization and a tool to calculate the return on that investment.

The opportunity to make a huge impact in saving worker lives through technology is in our grasp. It is a big change for many organizations, but one that is so worthwhile. NSC is here to help you every step of the way on this journey to embrace safety innovation and save lives.

By Emily Whitcomb

Courtesy of National Safety Counsel

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