Hot Seat Webinar to Feature Workers' Comp Regulators on Regulatory Complexity in Workers' Comp


This Thursday, May 9th we will be offering the 8th episode of the Hot Seat Webinar, featuring a discussion on Regulatory Complexity in Workers’ Comp. My co-host Judge David Langham and I will have a spirited discussion with two leading regulators, Frank McKay of Georgia and Abbie Hudgens of Tennessee.

The Hot Seat is sponsored by Safety National.

Is there a complexity problem in the US, and how difficult is it for stakeholders to be compliant across multiple jurisdictions? What must states consider when determining new workers' comp rules and regulations? What are the biggest considerations? How can states strike a balance to find the ideal regulatory scenario? All of these questions will be addressed in this broad ranging discussion.

There is little doubt that regulatory complexity is a big challenge for multi-jurisdiction companies. Regulators recognize that but are often constrained by statutory language that prevents what some might see as common-sense reforms. Hudgens, the Administrator for the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, has tried on more than one occasion to gather multiple states to try and develop a common First Report of Injury form that they could all agree on. She has not been successful to date.

We’ll probably discuss that, too.

McKay, the Chairman of the Georgia State Board of Worker’s’ Compensation, is also very active in the world of workers’ comp beyond the borders of his state. He is currently the president of the Southern Association of Workers’ Compensation Administrators (SAWCA), an organization with 18 jurisdictional members. He is also on the board of directors for the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC). That is a much larger regulator organization, with 61 jurisdictional members across the US, Canada, Germany, Korea and Taiwan.

Hudgens is the current president of IAIABC, and a past president of SAWCA. Both she and Mr. McKay should be able to discuss this topic fairly competently.

The webinar will be presented live at 1:00PM Eastern this Thursday, May 9th. Registration is free. If you cannot make that time, the recorded program will be available shortly after it concludes. You must be registered to receive the reviewing link.

Seats are limited. Register here today if you would like to hear what our esteemed guests have to say.

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