Angry Injured Workers, This is What I’m Talking About! (Video)

21 May, 2012 Bob Wilson


A couple weeks back I wrote about “Breaking the cycle of entitlement” by asking the question, How can we be better? I received some backlash from injured workers who, quite frankly, misunderstood my point. I responded with a second article to clarify my position.

What I was talking about in those two posts was simply this: Attitude matters.

It matters for the adjuster (Recovery Specialist), it matters for the physician, case manager, voc expert, and all the other players involved in managing an injured worker toward healing and better health. And it damn sure matters for the injured worker.

In fact, attitude matters for them more than anyone else. You won't find any sense of normalcy without it.

A video was posted this week on a group I co-manage on LinkedIn called the Workers' Compensation Roundtable. Placed there by a member of our group, Marianne Cloeren, this thing spoke to me. And it spoke volumes about what ATTITUDE can do, and what a DIFFERENCE it can make.

Watch and learn. This man did not let his condition determine the remainder of his life. The smart injured worker will pay attention to this, perhaps re-evaluate their own position in all of this, and choose once again to have control over their life.

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