9/11 Tribute: We Will Never Forget


It was going to be a unique day for me from the outset. I had a business network meeting downtown that morning. President Bush was in town, and he and his motorcade were scheduled to go right past our location shortly after the meeting was over.

Several of us, having never seen a sitting President's motorcade before, waited to see him pass. It was an impressive sight. An amazing amount of vehicles are used in moving the President. One by one they passed, and then came the President. We waved as he went past, the limousine turned right, and he was gone. I looked at my watch.

It was 8:49 AM, September 11, 2001.

Unknown to any of us, events were unfolding that would change this world forever. I chatted with friends for a few minutes, and as I was getting into my car my cell phone rang. It was my wife, telling me two planes had flown into the World Trade Center. Everyone knows the rest of the story...

A few days later, we came across, and posted on our site, a moving tribute to the victims of these cowardly, reprehensible attacks. It was viewed by tens of thousands of people, and we received tremendous appreciation for making it available to our visitors. We committed then to republishing it every year, as our way of honoring those lost, and a demonstration that "we will never forget".

Please take a moment to view the tribute here, and join us in honoring the victims and their families.

Thank you, and may God Bless America.

Robert H. Wilson
WorkersCompensation.com, LLC

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