3 Key Questions: Getting Back to Business after COVID-19


While we will miss seeing you at the Annual RIMS Conference & Exhibition in Denver, there has never been a more important time for us to connect or a more valuable message to share. The global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected us all deeply. But we are strong, resilient and determined to emerge on the other side. Now is the time for us to move forward together.

Every industry and organization is faced with the same challenge due to the impact of COVID-19:  What will getting “back to business” look like and how will we move forward? We know these are questions that every organization must address and are critical to restoring operations necessary for business sustainability and success.

In talking with clients, we know you are eager to get back to business – back to a sense of normalcy, even if it’s a “new normal” for the foreseeable future. As restrictions are changing, now is the time to begin planning and staging implementation so you can welcome employees and customers back safely and responsibly. While every organization’s needs are different, and may vary widely based on specific circumstances and the nature of the business, each must find the right path forward as COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed. Businesses must create and maintain a safe work environment, use best practices based on public health and safety guidelines, and ensure they are ready to resume operations when the time is right.

We believe there are three key questions that organizations must answer in their quest to get back to business.

1) When it comes to cleaning and compliance, can we be certain our facilities are ready?

Before you can get back to business, you need to know your locations are safe. Some of the key actions you will need to take as you prepare to reopen are:

  • Perform site safety inspections prior to reopening to ensure buildings are set up properly and equipment is in good working order.
  • Develop business specific cleaning and disinfection protocols.
  • Clean buildings and contents in accordance with CDC guidelines.
  • Complete work site ergonomic evaluations for preventative care and virtual ergonomic inspections for work from home employees.
  • Walk through the physical and administrative controls necessary to get back to business.

2) How are we planning to care for the safety and well-being of our employees and customers?

As employees prepare to go back to work and people return to many aspects of their lives, organizations on the forefront are looking for proactive, precautionary measures to help inspire confidence – not only in the fact that their work environments are safe, but also that their people are prepared for whatever may come. Some of the steps to take may include:

  • Perform temperature screenings and provide clinical support to protect your employees.
  • Provide fit for work programs for those employees who have been out of their typical routines and may be deconditioned, both physically and psychologically.
  • Offer clinical consultations and access to trained nurses who can offer recommendations and direction for employees who have been exposed to COVID-19 or fear they have been exposed and need to know where to seek medical care.
  • Connect employees who have had to postpone non-urgent surgeries with experienced and trained surgery nurses who can provide prehabilitation activities to ensure quality outcomes. 

3) Do we have a plan in place to address continuity and claims challenges?

The pandemic continues to disrupt workforces and business operations – the ability to recover is a concern now and could remain critical as possible future waves or pandemics occur. Businesses will want to take the following actions:

  • Consider workplace contact tracing to help isolate any incidents and contain further spread of the virus.
  • Develop a centralized, consistent process for managing unemployment claims, analyze unemployment tax liability, manage tax accounts, audit charges, and uncover possible savings.
  • Stay on top of tracking and compliance issues as federal, state and municipal disability and leave programs adapt in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

By Kathy Tazic

Courtesy of Sedgwick Connection 


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