WV Governor Tomblin Issues Statement On State Office Of Miners' Health Safety and Training

                               Charleston, WV (WorkersCompensation.com) - Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin issued the following statement after the state Office of Miners' Health Safety and Training released a report on its investigation into the Upper Big Branch mine disaster that took the lives of 29 miners and injured two.

"Much like the other reports on the tragic explosion at the UBB mine -- one common theme prevails; this disaster was preventable. I am committed to making sure that our laws are properly enforced and that we pass meaningful mine safety legislation. We simply cannot bear another mine disaster in West Virginia," Gov. Tomblin said. "I am working with the Legislature to make sure that my legislation, currently pending in the House of Delegates, passes so that we can work to prevent another mine disaster from occurring. I am confident that the Legislature will soon pass House Bill 4351 so that I can sign it and we can immediately begin its implementation." 

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