WC Assigned Risk Application To Be Removed From NCRB

Raleigh, NC (CompNewsNetwork) - Effective 8/1/09, the ACORD 135NC application will be removed from the NC Rate Bureau's website. Although the NCRB will still accept hardcopy submissions of the ACORD 135NC, the NRCB ask that you electronically submit your workers compensation assigned risk applications via the ManageAR system. ManageAR is a tool for the agents to manage all of their Workers Compensation Assigned Risk data. Some of the benefits of using ManageAR include:

ManageAR applications are received faster, therefore can be worked more timely than the hardcopy applications!

80% of our system edits are built into the system, so you will receive help from the system in making necessary corrections before you submit your application to the NCRB. And if you do need to make corrections, you can do them on-line.

Using ManageAR eliminates the costs associated with postage, overnight mailing expenses, long distance costs for faxing and calling, and if you choose to use the electronic payment method, you may also eliminate any bank check charges.

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