The Comp Specialists Announces Launch Of Workers' Compensation Graphic Treatment Pathway

Los Angeles, CA (CompNewsNetwork) - The Comp Specialists (TCS), a provider of clinical and operational tools to assist claims administrators and health care providers in reducing overall claims cost, today announced the launch of its proprietary Graphic Treatment Pathways® (GTPs), an online tool for managing treatment, compliance and payment of workers' compensation claims.
“In today's harsh economic climate, businesses need to look for cost savings and efficiencies everywhere, especially with the rising cost of claims,” said Judith M. Beserra, co-founder and vice president of business development for TCS. “Our GTPs give claims administrators, health care providers and employers a powerful and easy-to-use online tool for managing workers' compensation claims more efficiently.”
GTPs are an easy-to-follow, evidence-based electronic medical pathway tool based on state-mandated medical treatment guidelines which are available to claims administrators and health care providers in an illustrated “decision tree” format. This will assist claims administrators and health care providers in adhering to the guidelines when determining treatment of an injured worker as well as eliminating the need for excessive and unnecessary Utilization Review. In the process, the injured worker will receive appropriate treatment quickly and without delays in receiving benefits.
Additional benefits of GTPs:
  -  Appropriate timely patient care and return to work;
  -  Assist with appropriate and timely payments;
ï‚·  -  Web accessible and easily printed Graphic Treatment Pathways® accompanied by a regulatory letter of compliance, saving resources and improving your bottom line; and

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