Texas WC Rulebook Supplement Available Online for New 28 TAC


Austin, TX (WorkersCompensation.com) - The Texas Workers' Compensation Rulebook Supplement 2012-05 contains rules adopted by the Commissioner of Workers' Compensation and is available online from the Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation (TDI-DWC). The supplement pages may be printed from the TDI website at http://www.tdi.texas.gov/wc/rules/supplements.html.

The rule supplements are provided as a courtesy by the TDI-DWC. While the TDI-DWC makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information, the official version of proposed and adopted rules are those filed with the Texas Secretary of State (SOS), which is the official repository of TDI-DWC rules. The rules can be accessed directly from the Texas Register, Office of Secretary of State website at http://www.sos.state.tx.us/texreg/index.shtml. With respect to the supplements, the TDI-DWC makes no warranty as to their accuracy, completeness, reliability, and/or timeliness.

Rulebook Supplement 2012-05 contains adopted new 28 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §110.7, regarding Self-Insured Political Subdivision Requirements for Notifying the Division of Election to Provide Medical Benefits and new §110.103, regarding Employer Requirements for Notifying the Division of Non-Coverage.
The primary purpose of adopted new 28 TAC §110.7 is to delineate specific reporting requirements for a self-insured political subdivision to the Division when a self-insured political subdivision elects, in accordance with Texas Labor Code §504.053(b)(2), to provide medical benefits to its injured employees or the injured employees of the members of the pool by directly contracting with health care providers or by contracting through a health benefits pool established under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 172.

The primary purpose of adopted new 28 TAC §110.103 is to delineate and clarify statutorily mandated non-subscribing employer reporting requirements under Texas Labor Code §406.004.
These rules were adopted on July 13, 2012 and were published in the July 27, 2012 issue of the Texas Register (37 TexReg 5577). These rules became effective August 2, 2012.

To purchase a hard copy of this rulebook supplement or a complete set of the Texas Workers' Compensation Act and TDI-DWC Rules, visit the TDI website at http://www.tdi.texas.gov/wc/information/pubpricelist.html or call TDI-DWC Publications at 512-804-4240.
If there are any questions regarding the information in this memo, contact the Office of Workers' Compensation Counsel at 512-804-4703 or rulecomments@tdi.state.tx.us

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