Texas DoI Names Insurance Fraud Prosecutor For Bexar County


Austin, TX (WorkersCompensation.com) - The Texas Department of Insurance announced the assignment of a fraud prosecutor to work exclusively with criminal prosecutors in Bexar County to combat insurance fraud. TDI is expanding a partnership with local law enforcement which was started in Dallas County in 2005 and has netted more than 250 criminal indictments and $7 million in restitution to fraud victims.

“We are building on our successful partnerships with local prosecutors to fight insurance fraud,” said Texas Insurance Commissioner Eleanor Kitzman. “Insurance fraud is a crime that has real victims and TDI can offer crime fighters some much needed expertise in this area of law enforcement.”

TDI Fraud Prosecutor Nicole Thornbro has been assigned to the Bexar County District Attorney's Office. Thornbro worked previously as an assistant criminal district attorney for Bexar County and was a legal intern for U.S. Senator John McCain, with the Arizona Attorney General – Antitrust Division and White Collar Crime Unit, and for Judge Fred Biery in San Antonio.

TDI expects to assign a Fraud Investigator for Bexar County in the near future.

Earlier this month, the agency announced the assignment of TDI Fraud Prosecutor Jesse McClure to work with the Harris County District Attorney's Office on the prosecution of insurance fraud cases. TDI Fraud Investigator Max Cox also has been assigned to the Harris County DA's Office.

TDI Fraud Prosecutors are paid employees of the Department who work within the District Attorney Office to handle insurance fraud cases. The partnership approach to combating insurance fraud was first started in 2005 when Kyson Johnson was assigned to the Dallas County DA's office as TDI Fraud Prosecutor.

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