Tennessee OSHA Offers Free Consultative Services


Nashville, TN (CompNewsNetwork) - Employers looking to enhance their workplace safety and health programs have the opportunity to work with Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health administration's free consultative services. The service provides employers a source of information on workplace safety and health. The program is designed to help employers evaluate and prevent the hazardous conditions and work practices that can cause injuries and illnesses.
"As we start this year off we want to create awareness by employers about the consultative services TOSHA offers," said Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner James Neeley. "Last year 543 consultative inspections were made, and we hope by increasing those numbers even more this year we will continue to see a decrease in workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses."
TOSHA consultative services are not only free, but they are also confidential. The service is completely separate from TOSHA enforcement operations. No citations are issued for hazards identified by the consultant, and no penalties are proposed. The only time TOSHA enforcement staff would be notified is if an employer fails or refuses to eliminate or control a serious hazard or imminent danger situation within the agreed upon time frame of correcting the issue.
"With the tough economic situation we are facing the word ‘free' does not come along too often," said Jim Cothron, TOSHA Consultation Program Manager. "Now more than ever is an excellent time to utilize our consultative services. We really want employers to be aware they have this service available to them." 
Onsite consultants will do the following:
  • Help the employer recognize hazards in the workplace.
  • Suggest approaches or options for solving a safety or health problem.
  • Identify sources of help available to provide further assistance to the employer.
  • Provide a written report to summarize the findings.
  • Assist in developing or maintaining an effective safety and health program.
  • Offer training and education at the facility or in some cases away from the site.
  • Under specified circumstances, recommend the facility for TOSHA's SHARP program and an exemption from general schedule TOSHA enforcement inspections.

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