RI House Approves Vaudreuil Bill Preventing TDI Abuse

Providence, RI (CompNewsNetwork) - The House of Representatives recently approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Kenneth A. Vaudreuil that aims to prevent the abuse of temporary disability insurance (TDI) benefits.

The bill (2009-H5303A) would prevent policemen, firemen and other municipal workers who are injured in the line of duty from collecting TDI benefits if they are already receiving full pay and benefits from their work-related injury.

"My legislation aims to prevent the ‘double dipping' that occurs when an employee is injured in the line of duty and simultaneously collects his or her full paycheck along with temporary disability insurance," said Representative Vaudreuil (D-Dist. 57, Cumberland, Central Falls). "Under my bill, injured workers would still collect their full pay, but would not be allowed to make out better financially than they would if they were working. This will mean significant savings for cities and towns during these difficult economic times and get injured employees back to work quicker."

Representative Vaudreuil's bill would allow an injured worker who has a second job and is unable to perform the duties of that job to receive TDI benefits through the second position if they are available.

"TDI is a program that was established to assist those who suffer legitimate injuries that prevent them from functioning in the workplace," said Representative Vaudreuil. "Now more than ever we need regulations in place that will prevent abuse of this important and expensive program."

"Why would an injured worker want to get back to work as soon as possible when he can make more money staying out of work?" he continued. "By getting employees back to work as soon as possible, towns would also save money on overtime costs."

The legislation has been referred to the Senate for consideration.

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