Oregon Division Of Workers' Comp Posts Clinical Justification For Certain Drugs

Portland, OR (CompNewsNetwork) - Starting April 1, 2011, physicians and other providers must complete a clinical justification form when prescribing more than a five-day supply of certain high-cost drugs: Celebrex®, Cymbalta®, Fentora®, Kadian®, Lidoderm®, Lyrica®, and OxyContin®, as required by OAR 436-009-0090(4). However, if you prescribe other drugs not on the list, you do not have to complete the form.
Data shows that the seven drugs requiring justification make up about 30 percent of total pharmaceutical costs in Oregon's workers' compensation system. The requirement to provide justification is an effort to encourage providers to consider other lower-cost options to treat workers' compensation patients when appropriate.

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