Optimization Of A Pursuit Of High-Performance Organization Status

SWANSEA, Mass., April 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Peter Brown, in training to be a certified Value Driven Planning Advisor for HPO Ventures located in Irving, Texas, announces his Swansea, Mass.-based company The Workforce Builder (http://www.theworkforcebuilder.com), which specializes in Value Driven Planning.

What Is Value Driven Planning (VDP)?

Decision-making in business frequently involves a subjective process with some backwards thinking. They recognize a problem and assign a team to come up with a solution, plan and goal. The team meets, comes up with ideas, researches the ideas and then comes to a consensus about which idea and goal could resolve the issue. If they are very close to reaching the target and there is an action that will tip them over the threshold and hit the utility jackpot, then that action becomes very high priority. 

If far from the target, on the other hand, or far beyond it, then many actions that would lead to improved performance have no priority at all. This is a target-driven planning process. Target Driven Thinking means that achieving the target is valuable but missing the target is not. Sometimes certain valuable aspects of running a business that are not necessarily within the focus of the target can fall out of sight because they are not related to the target. Despite best intentions, business planning that is driven by targets may ultimately be harmful in the long term. High Performance Organizations construct their strategic business plans with a deliberate statement of the values for running all aspects of their business.

Consider a non-business example: when choosing a spouse, people instinctively use Value Driven Thinking. First, they think about the values -- what he or she wants in a spouse (i.e. spend more time together or supports independence). Next, they analyze "Importance vs. Satisfaction" to understand which values are "not negotiable" and which are less important. They consider their current satisfaction with those values (i.e. Jane lives next door and supports his new business venture, Lisa lives in Europe and wants him to come work for her, so Jane would satisfy the "spend more time together" and "supports independence" values). Then, a decision is made to choose the potential spouse that best meets the largest number of the most important and unsatisfied values.
Should this same process be used to make business decisions? You Decide Applied Value Driven Thinking in the business-planning process generates the best decisions that are predictive, dynamic, repeatable, scientific, forward-focused, (both short-term and long-term) objective and natural. Most importantly your planning decisions are made based on value measures, not reactions.

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