Oklahoma WC Court Wants Input On Eye Impairment Evaluation


Oklahoma City, OK (WorkersCompensation.com) - The Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court invites public input on a proposed change to Court Rule 23 to clarify that eye impairment is to be evaluated based on "uncorrected" vision as opposed to "corrected" vision. Determination of impairment to vision after an intraocular lens is implanted remains unchanged.

The Court will a public hearing per 85 O.S., Section 303(D) on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. at the Workers' Compensation Court's Tulsa location, 210 Kerr State Office Building, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

 All comments and suggested revisions (including a brief statement of need and proposed wording) should be submitted in writing to Judge Owen T. Evans, Workers' Compensation Court, 210 Kerr State Office Building, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 or to Tish Sommer, Special Counsel, Workers' Compensation Court, 1915 North Stiles Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105; or sent electronically to CourtRulesComments@owcc.state.ok.us. Comments will be accepted by the Court through April 25, 2012.

Copies of the proposed rule change are available for viewing at the Workers' Compensation Court's offices in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. To view the proposed court rule change electronically, click here.

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