OK House To Study Government Streamlining

                               Oklahoma City, OK (CompNewsNetwork) - House legislators will begin laying the groundwork for streamlining and combining state agencies, boards and commissions during a Friday legislative study.

“In light of the state's continuing financial challenges, we can longer afford and no longer justify the needless expense of government duplication or programs that have outlived their usefulness,” said House Speaker-elect Kris Steele, R-Shawnee. “House Republicans are committed to streamlining and rightsizing government this year to save taxpayer dollars.”

“Oklahoma has more agencies, boards and commissions than any other state our size,” said state Rep. Jason Murphey, R-Guthrie. “Those who argue there is no waste or inefficiency in government simply aren't paying attention. In this tough economic environment, we owe it to the taxpayers to make sure that not one of their tax dollars is wasted.”

During the study, lawmakers will examine the Department of Labor, review Oklahoma's central service agencies (those providing shared services to other state agencies) to determine if duplication can be eliminated and cost-savings achieved through streamlining. Committee members will review a report demonstrating that in excess of $10 million could be saved each year through the consolidation of central service functions, as well as a 2007 study that examined the number of boards, commissions and agencies in Oklahoma compared to other states.

The study will be conducted at 10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 3, in Room 432A of the Oklahoma Capitol.

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