Ohio BWC's MCO Open Enrollment For Ohio Employers Starts Today


Columbus, OH (WorkersCompensation.com) - Ohio employers will soon have an opportunity to select a new managed care organization (MCO) to manage health-care services for workers injured on the job. The Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) offers an open enrollment period every two years to allow employers to evaluate the services of their current MCO and determine if they would like to make a change. Open enrollment runs from April 30 to May 25.

“Few decisions business leaders make are as vital to their company's success than those that directly impact the health and safety of their workforce,” said BWC Administrator/CEO Steve Buehrer. “Selection of the MCO that meets each employer's specific needs is an important decision that should be carefully considered to ensure their injured workers receive the best care possible and can quickly and safely return to work.”

BWC partners with a network of MCOs that are the primary link between injured workers, medical providers, employers and BWC. MCOs manage claim filing and medical treatment and assist employers with the implementation of recovery and return-to-work programs.

Employers satisfied with their MCO do not need to do anything. However, those considering a change are encouraged to contact MCOs directly to learn more about their services and network providers. BWC produces the MCO Selection Guide and the MCO Report Card to help employers make an informed decision. The guide contains contact information for the MCOs while the report card provides an objective snapshot of how effectively each MCO manages injury reporting and returning injured employees to work. The guide and report card are available at ohiobwc.com.

Employers that decide to select a new MCO can complete the MCO Selection Form, also available at ohiobwc.com, or call the MCO selection line at 1-800-859-6631. Once employers make a selection, the new MCO will begin managing the medical portion of the claims July 2.

The MCO open enrollment period officially runs from 7:30 a.m., Monday, April 30, through 5:30 p.m., Friday, May 25.

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