NYSWCB Issues POC Manual


New York, NY (CompNewsNetwork) - The New York State Workers' Compensation Board has issued a new instruction manual that reminds all municipal and state entities to ensure that businesses applying for permits, licenses, or contracts in New York carry workers' compensation and disability benefits insurance.

The manual, Prove It to Move It, further clarifies these requirements. Under the Prove It to Move It program, applicants must prove compliance with NYS workers' compensation and disability benefits requirements to move their government permit, license or contract along the approval process. This applies to both original issuances and renewals, whether the governmental agency is having the work done or is simply issuing the permit, license or contract.
According to the Board, the
Prove It to Move It instruction manual formally names the program that has been in place, by statute, since 1922. This program reflects requirements under Workers' Compensation Law §57 and §220(8), and General Municipal Law §125.

Nothing has changed in enforcing this program since the last manual was issued in December 2008. However, based on requests from government agencies, this manual reflects more comprehensive instructions on the program's requirements, wrote WCB Chairman Robert Beloten in a letter to government officials.

“Verifying insurance is necessary to ensure benefits are available should workers get injured,” Chairman Beloten stated. “It also levels the playing field for honest businesses, because they are less likely to be undercut by unscrupulous employers who gain a cost advantage by not carrying insurance. Enforcing these provisions of the law improves New York's economic climate. Municipal and state agency cooperation is a critical component of encouraging business compliance.”

NYSIF reminded all municipal and state entities that they can use eCERTS®, NYSIF's online system to validate certificates of insurance, to check proof of coverage with NYSIF.

Download a copy of the Prove It To Move It manual.

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