NJ Racing Commission Proposes To Readopt Rules To Ensure WC Insurance For Horse Racing Employees

                               Trenton, NJ (CompNewsNetwork) - The New Jersey Racing Commission is proposing to readopt rules (N.J.S.A. 52:14B-5.1c, N.J.A.C. 13:73) to ensure that workers' compensation insurance coverage is available to workers in the thoroughbred and standard bred horse racing industries in New Jersey. The rules have been reviewed pursuant to Executive Order No. 66, and the New Jersey Horse Racing Injury Compensation Board finds them to be reasonable, necessary and effective. In enacting the New Jersey Horse Racing Injury Compensation Act, the state Legislature required the Horse Racing Injury Compensation Board to secure workers' compensation insurance coverage for horse racing industry employees, who are defined as “a jockey, jockey apprentice, exercise personnel, driver and driver/trainer performing services for an owner in connection with the exercising or racing of a horse in New Jersey. “ In doing so, the Legislature authorized the Board to assess and collect sufficient funds to pay the costs of the workers' compensation insurance, or to provide self-insurance coverage.

Summary of Proposal: A complete summary of the proposed rule readoption can be found on the New Jersey Racing Commission Web site at: www.nj.gov/oag/racing/proposed.html

Public Comment: Public comment on the proposed rule will be accepted until September 17, 2010. Please direct all comments to:

Frank Zanzuccki, Chairman
N.J. Horse Racing Injury Compensation Board
140 East Front Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08625

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