New Chief Actuary Named By KS Insurance Commissioner

                               Topeka, KS (CompNewsNetwork) - Sandy Praeger, Kansas Commissioner of Insurance, has named Mark Birdsall, a veteran life insurance actuary, as the chief actuary for the Kansas Insurance Department (KID). He began his duties Jan. 19.
Birdsall, a former Utah resident, has 31 years' experience as an actuary. His experience includes product development, financial reporting, asset-liability management and strategic planning.
He replaces Larry Bruning, who took an actuarial position with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in Kansas City, Mo.
Birdsall most recently was an external consultant and former full-time actuary for Security National Life Insurance Company in Salt Lake City, UT. He had worked for the company since 1999. He previously worked in an actuarial capacity for Beneficial Life and Surety Life, both located in Salt Lake City; for Midwestern United Life, Fort Wayne, IN; and for Security Life of Denver, CO. He has Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration degrees from Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
“Mark has a wealth of actuarial expertise that will be vital for KID as we work through state and national insurance issues,” Commissioner Praeger said. “He has considerable industry knowledge that will help us maintain the necessary balance for both consumers and companies.
“We also wish Larry well as he transitions to international affairs with NAIC. We look forward to a great working relationship with him in his new duties.”

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