LA DOI Recovers Over $6 Million For Insurance Consumers In 2008

Baton Rouge, LA (CompNewsNetwork) - Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon announced today that the Property and Casualty Consumer Affairs Division at the Department of Insurance aided Louisiana insurance consumers in receiving approximately $6,400,000 in insurance payments from claim disputes last year.

The recovered funds result from insurance claims disputes in which the Department was able to work with insurance companies and consumers to recover monies above what the insurance companies originally offered the consumers to settle their claims.

"I'm proud that the Department was able to recover so much money in insurance payments for the citizens of Louisiana," Donelon said. "Our staff works tirelessly to see that our state's insurance consumers are being treated fairly by the insurance companies they pay to protect them and their property."

Consumers who feel they are not being paid what they should for losses as stated in their insurance policies can contact the Department of Insurance and file a formal complaint. Department examiners review complaints from policyholders and determine if the insurance company has honored the insurance policy and paid the consumer what they are due per the details of that policy.

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