HI Gov. Submits Veto List


Honolulu, HI (CompNewsNetwork) - Governor Linda Lingle today submitted to the State Legislature a list of 39 bills that she is considering for potential vetoes.  The complete list is attached.

The bills are being considered for potential veto due to various factors including significant negative impacts on the public, legal or constitutional concerns, potential unintended consequences, and technical flaws in the legislation.  The Governor has placed some bills on the list to preserve her option to veto them while the Administration continues to review them.

“While the Legislature each year passes legislation it believes is important, it is my duty as Governor to ensure the bills that become law are constitutional, fiscally responsible and in the State's and the public's long-term best interest,” said Governor Lingle.

“This year, as in prior years, my Administration is taking a prudent approach of questioning bills that use limited State resources ineffectively or that would hamper our economic recovery,” the Governor added.

The Governor is required by the Hawai‘i Constitution to give the Legislature 10 days notice of any bill she is considering vetoing, prior to the deadline when she must take final action on the bills passed in the 2010 legislative session.  This year the deadline to veto bills is July 6.

Any bill on the potential veto list can still be signed by the Governor or allowed to become law without her signature.  Placing the bills on the potential veto list allows the Governor additional time to deliberate, and provides further opportunities for the public to voice their support or concern relating to the bills.  Bills not on the potential veto list cannot be vetoed.  Therefore, the list is more inclusive to preserve the Governor's option to veto a measure that is still being reviewed.

Over the next 10 days, the Lingle-Aiona Administration will continue to carefully review the bills on the list.  As she has done every year since taking office, the Governor has been seeking comments from the public on bills passed this legislative session.  In addition, the Administration seeks input from the counties, law enforcement agencies, neighbor island liaisons and state boards and commissions.

Bill Related To Workers' Compensation: 

SB2566 HD2 CD1
Veto Explanation:  Increases workers' compensation costs and the potential for conflicts of interest by allowing doctors to perform one-time diagnostic consultations at medical facilities in which they have a financial interest, without verification from the insurer or employer that the consultation is necessary.


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