Following Ceremony with President Obama, UAN President Ann Converso, RN, Commends New Administration on Meeting with Labor Leaders and Reinstating Pro-Worker Policies

SILVER SPRING, Md., Jan. 30 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Attending a meeting with President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and other national labor leaders, UAN President Ann Converso, RN, brought the voice of staff nurses to the White House as she hailed the new president's early commitment to working families in meeting with union and community leaders and establishing the White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families.

"For nurses, union representation is critically important in allowing us to effectively advocate for our patients and give the quality of care our patients deserve," said Converso, who was the only registered nurse at the meeting.  "It was clear to me from my meeting with the president and vice president that they also understand the importance and value of unions for nurses and all workers as we pull together to try to jumpstart our middle class."

In just his second week in office, President Obama met with union leaders today to launch the Task Force and signed three executive orders changing Bush-era policies that had helped companies engaging in anti-union and anti-worker behavior.

"I was pleased and proud to be able to meet with our new president and vice president today to briefly share some of the concerns staff nurses have with our current health system and the challenges facing working families," Converso added. "I and UAN nurses across the country look forward to working with President Obama and Vice President Biden to build support for initiatives that will help nurses and other workers exercise their democratic right to form a union."

The United American Nurses, AFL-CIO, represents registered nurses across the country in state nurses associations, nurse unions and collective bargaining programs, working for change on the issues important to staff RNs.

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