ConocoPhillips Kuparuk Renewed for Voluntary Protection Program


Juneau, Ak ( - Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner Dianne Blumer approved ConocoPhillips' Kuparuk Field for the Alaska Occupational Safety and Health Voluntary Protection Program renewal as a result of outstanding employee safety and health programs.
“Being recertified in the AKOSH VPP program is another significant milestone for the workforce in the Greater Kuparuk Area,” said Bill Arnold, interim vice president of ConocoPhillips North Slope Operations and Development. “This achievement requires the entire organization to pursue and demonstrate a relentless commitment to health and safety excellence on a daily basis.”
Less than 2,500 U.S. worksites have achieved VPP status – about one for every eight million worksites. There are 12 sites in Alaska with the AKOSH VPP designation. For a complete listing of the sites and more information about the program, go to Labor.Alaska.Gov/lss/vpp-participants.html.
“We are proud to be one of those Star worksites and it reinforces our commitment to, and the value we place, on safety,” Arnold said. “We look forward to continuing to work with AKOSH and building on this success with our workforce.”
A voluntary program, the VPP recognizes and promotes effective workplace safety and health management through a cooperative program between a company's management, employees and AKOSH.
As a VPP Star recipient ConocoPhillips' Kuparuk operations won't be subject to random enforcement inspections for two years. Enforcement regulations remain in effect, however, and cases of employee complaints, accident investigations or other significant incidents will result in an enforcement inspection.

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