CA Gov. Discusses Fifth Year Anniversary Of WC Reform

Sacramento, CA (CompNewsNetwork) - Audio version of the address is available at

Transcript of the address:

Hi, this is Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with another California Report.

Tomorrow, April 19, marks the five-year anniversary of the passage of historic reforms that have saved California businesses billions and billions of dollars.

When I became governor in 2003, workers' comp was the poison of our economy.

It was a system riddled with fraud and abuse.

Injured workers couldn't get the care that they needed and still our costs were the highest in the nation.

Premiums were doubling and tripling, even for businesses with excellent safety records and there was no end in sight.

The system was out of control and it was hurting not just private businesses.

Local governments, police and fire departments and non-profits were also feeling the pain.

This was killing jobs and opportunity and it had to stop.

I campaigned on a promise to bring sanity to workers' comp and to reform the broken system.

So in 2004, I brought together Republicans and Democrats to pass historic workers' compensation reform.

We returned the system to its core mission: to heal injured workers and get them back on the job.

Now, five years later, I am proud to report that our reforms have saved employers $50 billion.

That's $50 billion we've put back into the economy so businesses can invest in new equipment and hire new workers.

As a matter of fact, some companies have seen decreases as much as 70 percent.

Los Angeles County alone has saved $1 billion since 2004.

And stories like these can be found all across our state.

Now, over the last few years there have been repeated attempts in Sacramento to roll back these reforms.

But I want to promise the people that will never happen on my watch.

I will continue to protect the great progress we have made so we can create more jobs and more opportunities for Californians.

Thank you for listening.

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