CA DWC To Uncork Filing Bottleneck Work On A Bulk Filing Process For EAMS Began Today

                               Sacramento, CA (CompNewsNetwork) - As part of its strategy to increase access to the Electronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS), the Division of Workers' Compensation today began work with external partners on a plan that will allow bulk filing of selected documents by the end of the year.

DWC and a working group comprised of representatives from claims administrators, attorneys, service providers, lien claimants and others began gathering requirements for improvements to EAMS that will allow:

  • Bulk filing of six priority forms through Secure File Transport Protocol (SFTP)
  • Access to some case file information on the DWC Web site.

This two-point plan, called the “present term solution,” is the result of earlier meetings between the division and its external user advisory group to determine the quickest way to eliminate the bottleneck that exists for filing documents and viewing basic case information.

“We're very excited to move forward with this solution, which will directly benefit those users able to immediately take advantage of bulk filing capabilities,” said DWC Court Administrator Keven Star. “This solution will also indirectly benefit others filing on paper by reducing the overall volume of paper at district offices.”

The schedule for implementing the present term solution calls for completing a set of requirements within one month, followed by technical development from three to six months, then user acceptance testing for two months, for a total of nine months. A majority of the advisory group's members have agreed to commit staff resources to this development process.

“Our partnership with external users is key to this project,” said Star. “The expertise they bring to the table is necessary for success and we're deeply appreciative of their commitment.”

The six forms chosen for the present term solution were given priority because they are the most commonly filed, so removing them from the paper queue for scanning into EAMS will yield the best results. The forms are: application for adjudication of claim, declaration of readiness to proceed (to hearing), declaration of readiness to proceed (to expedited trial), compromise and release, stipulations with request for award, notice and request for allowance of lien.

The present term solution allows the division to relieve the filing bottleneck while full funding for the EAMS External User Access Project is sought. The access project, once funded, will build on the present term solution and expand it beyond SFTP to multiple filing protocols for all forms.

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