Arizona Industrial Commission Announces Informal Public Hearings On Residential Fall Protection

Phoenix, AZ (CompNewsNetwork) - On December 16, 2010, Federal OSHA issued directive no. STD-03-11-002, replacing a prior interim enforcement policy on fall protection for certain residential construction activities with a new compliance guidance directive. State plans, including Arizona, were required to adopt this directive or adopt something that is at least as effective. Arizona adopted this directive with an effective date of June 16, 2011.
On June 9, 2011, Federal OSHA announced that it would implement a 3 month phase-in period to allow additional time to employers to come into compliance with the December directive. Thereafter, on June 16, 2011, the Industrial Commission of Arizona ("Commission") issued a stay of its enforcement of the December 2010 directive.  Additionally, the Commission will use this opportunity to receive additional information on the issue of residential fall protection. In this regard, the Commission will hold informal public hearings to accept oral testimony and documentary information regarding the use of fall protection in residential construction.
The commission has set these informal public hearings for September 6, 2011 in Phoenix, and September 9, 2011 in Tucson.  The formal agenda for these meetings, including the times and locations of the meetings, and information on how to notify the Commission of intent to testify, can be viewed here.

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