West Virginia Workers’ Compensation Announces Adjuster Training


Charleston, WV (CompNewsNetwork) - The West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner will be conducting an adjuster seminar designed to provide information regarding the statutes and rules governing the adjustment of claims in West Virginia.

This is an opportunity for carriers interested in writing business in West Virginia on or after July 1, 2008, as well as third party administrators, to obtain training for their adjusters. The seminar will take place May 22, 2008 at the Charleston Town Center Marriott. A registration fee of $50.00 is required.

Participants will learn about basic claims handling requirements, the time standards applicable to claims, benefit structure, managed care, medical management of claims, how to adjust occupational disease claims, and much more. The West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner wishes to provide the best instruction we can as we approach July 1, 2008, so please consider attending this important meeting and participating with questions and discussion.

More information will be forthcoming via e-mail and on our webpage at www.wvinsurance.gov.

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