Pharmacy Fee Schedule Search Tool Available On New York WC Board Website


New York, NY  (CompNewsNetwork) - The Board adopted a new pharmacy fee schedule by emergency regulation effective July 11, 2007, and codified as Part 440 of the New York Code of Rules and Regulations.

As part of the Board's continuing efforts to assist everyone in complying with the pharmacy fee schedule, a new tool has been added to the Board's website. Interested parties may now search for current and past reimbursement rates for prescription drugs on the pharmacy fee schedule by National Drug Code. This new search page contains the corrected brand name drug prices previously posted by the Board.

The new Pharmacy Fee Search ( h.jsp) can be found on the Medical Care Fee Schedules page under the Health Care Information section of the Board's web site.

Questions regarding any of these issues should be referred to the Office of General Counsel at (518) 486-9564.

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