Pennsylvania Governor Rendell Announces $1.5 Million Investment In Community Enhancement; Youth Career Development

                               Millville, PA (CompNewsNetwork) - Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell has announced the investment of more than $1.5 million in Pennsylvania Conservation Corps community projects to help improve job skills of young people and enhance the appearance of 15 communities in 13 counties. The new projects will be completed between July 1 and June 30.
"The Pennsylvania Conservation Corps provides young people with valuable training, experience and educational funding while making Pennsylvania communities nicer places to live, work and play,” Governor Rendell said. "This $1.5 million investment will allow PCC to make a difference in the lives of our young people as they strive to make a difference in their communities. Investments like this are a win-win for Pennsylvania’s future.”
Labor & Industry Acting Secretary Sandi Vito made the announcement on behalf of the Governor during a press conference at Camp Victory. The camp is one of eight, three-day PCC service marathon projects celebrating National Youth Service Day. The service marathon began at 9:30 a.m. today and it will end at noon, April 24.
"Since it began in 1984, the PCC has been successful in providing educational and on-the-job training to young Pennsylvanians while instilling the basic soft-skills and work ethic that help our young people become life-long assets to the community – evidenced by their work here today,” Vito said.
Vito noted that the PCC project at Camp Victory – a camp for children with chronic health problems; or physical or mental disabilities – will involve more than 40 crew members and leaders who will replace a dock, restore a ropes course, repair wheelchair ramps, and construct a shed and porch in three days.
During the next three days, more than 200 PCC crewmembers will also complete projects in Bedford, Berks, Butler, Elk, Jefferson, Luzerne and Washington counties. The projects — ranging from erosion control to wildlife-habitat improvement, trail restoration and construction of community facilities — are representative of the type of work the PCC does throughout the year.
The Pennsylvania Conservation Corps is one of the largest statewide conservation corps in the nation and has provided more than 14,000 youths with jobs, career and technical training and educational funding.

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