Optimized Outcome Solutions Launches New Program Guiding Injured Workers Through the Recovery Process

13 Apr, 2021 Brian Allen


SALT LAKE CITY- April 12, 2021— Optimized Outcome Solutions, LLC announces it is now partnering with claims organizations and workers’ compensation insurers to assist injured workers in the recovery process. A seriously injured worker who is suddenly removed from both their livelihood and social network commonly feels isolated, worrying about when or if they can return to work. Optimized Outcome Solutions utilizes a program focusing on the “four pillars of recovery - mindset, nutrition, activity, and rest” to support injured workers, preparing them for a quicker recovery period prior to and following surgery or following a major injury.

The mission of Optimized Outcome Solutions is to help participants “get better faster and stay better longer,” with a strategic mix of encouragement, engagement, education, and measurement with evidence-based oversight.

Based upon the patient-initiated book, “The Optimized Patient,” Optimized Outcome Solutions has taken lessons learned and translated them into a mix of next-level patient support tools that include motivational videos, educational audios, a healing-centric nutrition plan, and personalized weekly interactions with a Recovery Guide. Optimized believes “patients want to get better; they just don’t know how.” The Optimized approach is designed to empower injured workers to make a commitment to stay engaged in their recovery and to return to work as quickly as possible. Dr. Vermon S. Esplin notes, “In my 30-year career as an orthopedic surgeon, one of the biggest challenges I faced was trying to educate the patient on how to optimize their recovery in a 15-minute appointment. Optimized Outcome Solutions’ support, education and follow-up would be invaluable in FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE helping patients maximize their recovery, both in speed and effectiveness. This type of program is desperately needed.”

Optimized Outcome Solutions’ leadership team is comprised of individuals who have personally used the Optimized Outcome concepts to prepare for and recover from major injuries and surgeries.

Brian Allen, co-founder of Optimized Outcome Solutions is a workers’ compensation industry leader with over 30 years of experience, focused almost exclusively on shaping workers' compensation policy across the country.

Optimized Outcome Solutions co-founder Harvey Warren, author of the “The Optimized Patient”, is a survivor of three spine surgeries. Optimized Outcome Solutions translates his book into a service by providing real-time guidance on how to “get better faster and stay better longer.” Co-founder of Optimized Outcome Solutions Douglas Amend fell 300 feet off a glacier. During his recovery he overcame the loneliness and despair of recovery with help from a guide who kept him encouraged and committed to a complete recovery.

About Optimized Outcome Solutions

For decades patients have been disengaged from their own recovery primarily due to a lack of information and education. Optimized Outcome Solutions re-engages program participants in their recovery and provides them with the education and interaction they need to help them achieve an optimized outcome. Optimized Outcome Solutions is currently working with injured workers in Texas and is expanding to other areas. Visit www.optimizedoutcome.com for more information.

Source: Press Release

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