Ohio Employers to Choose Managed Care for Workers’ Comp Claims


Columbus, OH  (CompNewsNetwork) - Nearly 280,000 employers participating in the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) system have the opportunity to select the managed care organization (MCO) that will manage their workers' comp claims for the next two years. MCO open enrollment is underway and runs through May 30, 2008.

BWC's mission is to protect injured workers and employers from loss as a result of a workplace accident, and to enhance the general health and well-being of Ohioans and the Ohio economy. A network of 24 MCOs support this mission, serving as a primary link between injured workers, medical providers, employers and BWC.

MCOs assist Ohio's employer community regarding medical management and return-to-work initiatives for their injured employees. They partner with employers to ensure prompt filing of claims, timely treatment for injured workers and swift implementation of recovery programs.

“As Ohio businesses compete in today's global economy, one of any employer's most important assets is a safe and healthy work force,” said BWC Administrator Marsha Ryan. “When an unfortunate incident occurs in the workplace, the goal of a safe and timely return to work is paramount. MCOs are an important component in ensuring rapid and adequate treatment for the injured worker.”

Every two years, BWC holds an open enrollment period that allows Ohio's public and private state-fund employers the opportunity to evaluate each MCO's customer service and medical management performance. It is the employers' decision to remain with its current MCO or to choose another MCO to medically manage workers' compensation claims.

BWC provides MCO services to Ohio employers as part of their workers' compensation premium payment. These services are available at no additional cost.

To assist Ohio employers in choosing their MCO during this open enrollment period, BWC offers educational resources including the MCO Selection Guide and MCO Report Card. These tools can be found by visiting ohiobwc.com, or more information may be provided by phone at 1-800-OHIOBWC.

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