North Carolina Deputy CommissionerAnnounces Posting Of Status of Industrial Commission Cases


Raleigh, NC (CompNewsNetwork) - The Deputy Commissioner Section is posting on the Industrial Commission’s website a list of cases, with their status, that have been heard by a Deputy Commissioner and are being processed to decision. The web site posting of cases will be a regular bimonthly feature of the Deputy Commissioner Section, being posted during the first and third weeks of each month.

The list currently posted is for the period ending March 3, 2008. The list of cases is by ascending alphabetical order by Deputy Commissioner. For each Deputy Commissioner, cases are aggregated first by cases in which records have closed and are pending a written decision, i.e., 114 cases. Immediately following the 114 cases is a list of the cases in which trials have been completed and the record is being held open for submission of medical expert testimony by deposition and submission of contentions, briefs, and proposed opinion and awards, i.e., 127 cases. Cases in both 127 and 114 status are sub-ordered by descending number of days within that classification.

For cases in 127 status, the column for “Extensions” denotes the projected date on which the post hearing record is scheduled to close. If an extension of time has been requested and approved, the revised projected date for closing the record is listed first and all prior dates are listed thereafter.

The list can be searched by any term appearing within the chart. For example, the list can be searched by a Plaintiff or Defendant’s name or Industrial Commission file number. Any term may be searched by holding the “Ctrl” + “F” keys on the computer. The search box will automatically appear. Type in the search term you prefer and click “Find Next.”

We hope that the regular posting of Deputy Commissioners Section Case Status reports will be a valuable service to those who have an interest in these cases. We welcome any comments or suggestions that you may have as to the format for the presentation of this report.

If a case is omitted from this list or if there is any question regarding the status of any case, please direct all inquiries to me at or call (919) 807-2540.

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