Montana Had 54 Work-Related Fatalities In 2007


Helena, MT  (CompNewsNetwork) - The number of fatalities increased from 45 in 2006, according to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) study report released today by the Montana Department of Labor and Industry's Research and Analysis Bureau.

The fatality census, conducted throughout the nation, is part of a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Safety and Health Statistics program that provides a complete count of fatal work injuries in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Fatality statistics are used to fulfill a commitment to increasing safety in the workplace.

Transportation incidents accounted for 37 (68.5 percent) of the 54 fatal occupational injuries to Montana workers during 2007. Contact with objects and fall incidences had 5 fatalities each (9 percent each).

Assaults and violent acts accounted for four (7 percent) of the fatalities and three (5.5 percent) fatalities were reported as a result of exposure to harmful substances or environments.

The agriculture, forestry and fishing industry and the transportation and warehousing industry led in fatal occupational injuries with 12 each of the 54 cases (22 percent each). The next highest industry was construction with ten (19 percent), followed by public information industry, and mining industry, with three fatal work injuries in each industry (5.5 percent each).

Thirty-seven (68.5 percent) of the employees who were fatally injured during 2007 worked for others, earning wages or salaries. Seventeen (31 percent) were self-employed workers -- including farmers and paid and unpaid family workers.

Fatal workplace injuries were highest among the 45-54 and the 55-64 years category, with 13 deaths (24 percent) in each category. The 25-34 years category and the 35-44 years categories each had eight (15 percent) each of the fatalities. Age group of 65 years and older had six (11 percent) and the category of 20- 24 had five (9 percent).

Males accounted for 90 percent of Montana work-related fatalities in 2007.

The CFOI study includes data for all fatal work injuries, whether they are covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act or other federal or state agency regulations, or are outside the scope of regulatory coverage.

Information on work-related illnesses is excluded from this census because of the latency period of many occupational illnesses and the resulting difficulties associated with linking illnesses to work.

For additional information, contact Peggy Coggeshall at the Department of Labor and Industry’s Research and Analysis Bureau, 406-444-2430.

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