Louisiana Kenneth Gordon Workers Eligible For Trade Adjustment Assistance


Harahan, LA  (CompNewsNetwork) - The 83 workers who will lose their jobs when shirt manufacturer Kenneth Gordon closes its Harahan facility on June 8 have been ruled eligible for retraining and re-employment services because the plant’s closure is the direct result of increased imports.

A petition filed with the U.S. Department of Labor requesting Trade Adjustment Assistance was approved when it was determined that increased imports prompted the closure of the facility. The TAA program provides services to workers who lose their jobs or whose hours or work and wages are reduced because of international competition.

The affected workers will have the option of attending a TAA orientation session at 8:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 29, or at 9 a.m. on Friday, May 30, at the Kenneth Gordon facility at 1209 Distributor’s Row.

The sessions will introduce the services available to them through the TAA program. These services could include training, income support, job search and relocation allowances and income support.

“Our Rapid Response unit held orientation sessions and opened a worker transition center earlier this month,” said Greg A. Anders, Rapid Response coordinator with the Louisiana Department of Labor. “Through our assistance and the media coverage of these events, at least three employers have already made job offers to some of these workers, but the additional assistance through the TAA program will benefit all the workers.”

Rapid Response and TAA services are offered at no cost to the employer or the participating employees.

More information about Rapid Response and Trade Adjustment Assistance is available on the Louisiana Department of Labor Web site at www.LAWORKS.net.

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