How to Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depressive Illnesses


Free Screening During National Anxiety and Depressive Awareness Week

New York, NY (CompNewsNetwork) - Each year more than 40 million Americans will suffer from an anxiety disorder and more than 19 million Americans will suffer with a depressive illness. The most common signs of anxiety and depression include feelings of being down or blue, phobias, uncontrollable worrying, poor concentration, loss of pleasure, sleeping problems, panic attacks, unexplainable aches, pains or headaches, obsessions, rituals and ongoing feelings of nervousness or tension.

"Some individuals have difficulty sorting through emotional and physical symptoms. It is not uncommon for individuals to rush to an emergency room with symptoms of a heart attack only to be told they are suffering from anxiety," says Mary Guardino, executive director of Freedom From Fear, a national nonprofit mental illness advocacy organization who has organized this event since 1994.

To bring awareness to the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depressive illnesses and to assist individuals in seeking help from a healthcare provider, 13 national health organizations have organized National Anxiety and Depressive Awareness Week, May 4 - 10, 2008.
Individuals can screen themselves on to learn if they may be suffering from an anxiety or depressive illness. They can also call 1-888-442-2022. The screening site on the web and the toll-free number will offer referrals for a free screening from mental health professionals throughout the United States.

"Anxiety and depression cost our economy billions of dollars each year, but what is more important is the cost of human suffering, which is immeasurable. There are effective treatments that can alleviate unnecessary suffering," says Guardino.

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