Dyadem Helps Reduce Job Site Hazards In TX

TORONTO, June 10 /PRNewswire/ -- Dyadem today announced that the Public Works Division of Bexar County, Texas, has selected Dyadem's RiskSafe software to help evaluate its operational risks. Dyadem's software will allow Bexar County Public Works to standardize its method of conducting job safety testing, which will help identify and reduce employee-related risks and track for continuous improvement. The Dyadem software platform allows Bexar County Public Works to create a safer work environment that will ultimately cut the risk of potential litigation, while also reducing insurance costs and workers compensation claims.

Bexar County Public Works will implement Dyadem's RiskSafe software to perform stringent job hazard analyses for a variety of projects, including the maintenance and development of county roads and the development of best-practice procedures for maintaining the county's parks and recreation facilities. RiskSafe is able to use a variety of safety methodologies and perform strict end-to-end job safety analyses that lead to a more responsive and efficient process for managing the county's projects. For example, Public Works will be able to establish best safety practices for roadside clearance by taking into consideration appropriate traffic control measures, the safest use of heavy-duty equipment, as well as identifying additional potential hazards.

Historically Bexar County Public Works approached safety incidents reactively instead of implementing mandatory procedures ahead of time. Over the last several months, county officials began implementing steps to become more proactive in reducing the risk of employee-related injuries. Additionally, the group began looking for the best way to standardize the process of job hazard analysis and organize their findings in one central location.

"Prior to the implementation of Dyadem's RiskSafe software, we didn't have a standard approach to preventative measures for reducing risks on the jobsite," said Gary Brennan, safety and training manager for Public Works, Bexar County, Texas. "Dyadem's software solutions came very highly recommended. RiskSafe has provided us with a configurable tool that allows us to conduct better quality job hazard analysis tests, which ultimately leads to safer, more efficient standard operating procedures. The Dyadem software solution proves to be a valuable tool in eliminating the element of risk; we've already seen a significant drop in the number of recordable incidents."

Dyadem's RiskSafe software allows Bexar County Public Works to identify vulnerability risks, assign likelihood and consequence ratings for potential incidents, and produce a comprehensive report that outlines data and recommendations for action. This was a paramount feature that county officials were searching for when evaluating risk management platforms. The division is responsible for more than 2,000 square miles of roadway in Bexar County and conducts hundreds of jobs simultaneously. Dyadem's RiskSafe software allows Bexar County Public Works to perform a hazard analysis prior to the beginning of a job and develop procedures to avoid risk.

"Bexar County Public Works executes numerous projects at any given time, so it is of vital importance to account for risk when managing these tasks," said Kevin North, President and CEO of Dyadem. "Our RiskSafe software specializes in setting up a standard system for job hazard analysis. This allows Bexar County Public Works to identify potential hazards and produce information that will help avoid costly accidents. Bexar County Public Works is now operating in a much safer, organized environment, where guesswork for evaluating risk has been eliminated."

Dyadem's RiskSafe provides a user friendly data management interface that allows Bexar County Public Works to more easily connect information. This increases consistency across studies by automatically replicating data in the appropriate areas as well as enabling pre-formatted reports and auditing tools that provide visibility into the division's project operations.

About Dyadem

Dyadem is the market leader in Operational Risk Management and Quality Risk Management solutions. Dyadem provides software and services that empower companies to discover and manage the risks to people and products in the design and manufacturing processes. Dyadem helps some of the world's largest companies achieve regulatory compliance and business continuity, serving the oil & gas, chemical, mining, pharmaceutical, medical, automotive, electronics and aerospace and defense industries.

About Bexar County Public Works

The Public Works Division of the Infrastructure Services Department provides for the general welfare of the citizens of Bexar County by managing the construction and maintenance of a safe and efficient system of roadways and bridges. Subdivision plat review and traffic analysis allows for controlled development in the unincorporated areas of Bexar County.

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