California / OSHA Reminds Employers To Post Annual Summary Of Work Related Injuries And Illnesses


San Francisco, CA  (CompNewsNetwork) - TheCalifornia  Department of Industrial Relations' Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DIR/DOSH) reminds all California employers of  their requirement  to post at their place of business a summary of job-related injuries and illnesses that occurred during 2007 at their workplace. The summary must be displayed from February 1 through April 30 for employee review.

"The log details what injuries have occurred and how they happened,” said DIR Director John Duncan. "The summary creates health and safety awareness in the workplace for employers and employees so similar injuries can be prevented in the future.”

The Form 300A requires employers to report the number of injuries each year, even if no work-related injuries occurred. Vital information must also include the nature of the injury or illness that the employee suffered, the severity of the work-related incidents and the number of days the employee missed work due to the injury. 

Employees, former employees and their representatives have the right to review the Cal/OSHA Form 300A in its entirety at any time.
Employers with 11 or more employees, except those covered in the California low-hazard establishments in the retail, services, finance and real estate sectors, must display the totals from the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (CAL/OSHA form 300A) wherever employee notices are usually posted. If there is more than one business establishment, a separate log and summary must be posted in each physical location that is expected to be in operation for one year or longer.

Employers who need more information about their posting requirements and on how to reduce workplace injuries are urged to visit the DIR Web site at oyerInformation.htm

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