California EEEC Cites Los Angeles And Orange County Garment Manufacturers For Multiple Labor Law Violations


Los Angeles, CA  (CompNewsNetwork) - The Labor and Workforce Development Agency today announced that Economic Employment Enforcement Coalition (EEEC) investigators issued 42 citations for labor law violations - with fines totaling $457,000 - in a recent sweep of 22 garment manufacturers in Los Angeles and Orange counties.

The recent enforcement actions uncovered serious violations that included:

Failure to provide itemized deductions to employees;
Failure to register;
Failure to keep records and post labor notices as mandated by law;
Failure to pay minimum wage;
Failure to maintain workers' compensation insurance;
Failure to pay overtime.
In addition, clothing was confiscated at six locations.

"Many of these garment manufacturers failed to comply with the law as we found multiple labor law violations at many locations," said EEEC Director David Dorame. "Their illegal actions cannot be allowed to continue.  By targeting enforcement against these illegal operators, we help level the playing field for law abiding businesses."

To request a complete list of the violations and businesses cited email the Department of Industrial Relations at:
Launched in July of 2005 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the EEEC is a multi-agency task force designed to root out California's underground economy by enforcing California labor laws, and educating business owners and workers about those laws and regulations in workshops held regularly statewide.

Businesses engaged in the underground economy deprive the state and legitimate businesses of millions of dollars each year, and in many cases, pass the cost on to the consumer.

During unannounced enforcement sweeps, the EEEC targets businesses that avoid labor, tax and licensing laws, safety and health regulations and carry no workers' compensation insurance for their employees.

EEEC is currently targeting garment, agriculture, construction, pallet, auto body, car wash and restaurant businesses. These industries have been identified as having a high incidence of workplace violations and a lack of regulatory compliance.

In collaboration with the Labor and Workforce Development Agency's Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and the Employment Development Department, EEEC works directly with DIR's Division of Occupational Safety and Health and Division of Labor Standards Enforcement to carry out its mission. The U.S. Department of Labor also participates in the EEEC as does the Contractors State License Board when the construction industry is being targeted.

For more information on the EEEC, please visit our website at

Employees with work-related questions or complaints can call the toll-free California Workers' Information Hotline at 1-866-924-9757, available in English and Spanish.

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