California DWC To Hold Second Set Of “Train The Trainers” Sessions On Filing Forms And Documents In EAMS


Oakland,CA (CompNewsNetwork) - The Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) will conduct two "train the trainer" sessions for external users on filing forms and documents in the Electronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS). The first session will be held Sept. 15 in Oakland and the second session will be held Sept. 16 in Sacramento. A third session, which will be held in Los Angeles, has already been filled with attendees who had originally requested a slot at the August L.A. session, but did not get in.

The sessions, which are specifically for organizational trainers, will focus primarily on filing forms and documents in EAMS.

"EAMS is live," said DWC Court Administrator Keven Star. "We want to give people all the tools available so they can work effectively in the new system."

These are not general sessions for end-users: They are specifically for trainers at organizations such as claims administrators, law firms, lien claimant representatives and others who regularly file forms and documents at district offices. The trainers who attend a session will, in turn, be expected to provide this training to the rest of their organizations' staff.

Space for the sessions is limited. Therefore. each organization will be allowed to send two representatives maximum per representative location. For example, a claims administrator with five adjusting locations may send up to 10 staff maximum to the training. DWC is taking reservations for the sessions, on a first come, first served basis. The sessions will be held:

Monday, Sept. 15, 2008
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (break for lunch from noon-12:30 p.m.)
Elihu Harris State Building – auditorium
1515 Clay Street
Oakland, CA

Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2008
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (break for lunch from noon-12:30 p.m.)
Employment Development Department
722 Capitol Mall, auditorium

Those organizations wishing to send representatives to one of the training sessions should send an e-mail to and put "RSVP EAMS train the trainer session" and the date they will attend in the subject line. The body of the email should contain the name, organization, location and email address of each person requesting a seat at the session. Once the space is filled, reservations will be closed for these sessions.

Confirmation emails have already been sent to attendees for the Los Angeles session. Those who got confirmation notices got seats. The division will likely do an additional session in LA due to demand, so those who didn't get into the first or second sessions will still have an opportunity, but should consider attending the Oakland or Sacramento sessions instead.

The DWC posted training materials from the first sessions on the "Getting ready for EAMS" page of its EAMS Web site. The purpose of the page is to provide "one stop shopping" for external users who need information on working in EAMS.

The page contains a wealth of information for filers, whose first decision revolves around whether they are going to continue filing on paper using new forms, or whether they are going to be among the earliest filers using electronic forms. The site information is divided along those lines, with tools for making that decision, filing using optical character recognition (OCR) paper forms, e-forms and legacy (current or "old") forms. Training materials are constantly being updated so please be sure the information you are relying on is the most current information posted on the Web site.

At the training, DWC and its team of external users, which worked with the division to craft many of the tools and the training program, will provide in depth information on how to use the tools provided.

For more EAMS information, go to

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