23rd Annual California JPIA Risk Management Educational Forum


Reaching the finish line is only one part of a successful race.  Those who finish the race aren't winners simply because they reached their goal, but also because they learned the path and planned for pitfalls.  Winston Churchill wisely said, "He who fails to plan is planning to fail."   

At the California JPIA's 23rd annual Risk Management Forum, we're bringing the best to be on your team.  In this race, you'll learn about many risks you may face on your way to the finish line.  There will be experts to help you overcome fear of disaster, cast aside threats from those attempting harm, and remove doubts about whether your resources will last.  Others will coach you along the way as you face challenges and adventure.  So, come join us at the starting line.  

 For 2018, the Authority’s Executive Committee has again waived registration fees for members.

Registration is limited to public agency officials and employees, and the Authority's business partners.

September 2018

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